Tuesday 14 December 2010

the questionnaire

I made a questionnaire for our group, to ensure that we could have feedback for our screening and so we could pinpoint the exact issues we had mad tackle them effectively.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Yesterday's lesson

I made a powerpoint to represent our groups' film.
This is the powerpoint.

Within the powerpoint I highlighted the theme, narrative, Inspiration, Location and Characters. I wanted  the powerpoint to fit all of the information.

Monday 29 November 2010

Film Poster Mock up

This is my Mock up Film Poster. I wanted to makes sure that the poster incorporated elements of the genre and our film. I did not want the poster to reveal to much of the narrative away, but I wanted to draw interest to the Target Audience. I did not want the image to appear to cheerful, because that would not reflect the nature of the film's narrative and characters. But I did fill the colours for elements that would need colour ( The Sun, The Trees, The background buildings). 

I tried to follow the conventions of a film poster, by placing each elelment of the poster in a traditional way. This includes having the credits and realted information at the bottom. Also I had the tagline at the top of the page, to ensure that the target audience would see it before the title, but also ensure that this would make the audience look at elements of the poster as a sequence. Firstly, reading the tagline, then looking at the background image, then the foregroubnd image, then the title and then finally the release date and cast information.  I made the image of the main character medium sized in relation to to the rest of the poster, to signify the closeness of the character in relation to the audience. This poster is susposed to create a sense of mystery for the audience and I assume that this poster will appear more serious, representing the genre and the narrartive. Due to this I think that the audience will be a mature audience, because Children or young adults may not find the poster very appealing,unless the youung adults are Media or Film Studies students, because I think that is the only way the poster will appeal to them. I chose to make the poster Horizontal, because this partucular poster is for Billboards, which are conventionally horizontal, I wanted make a poster that could be seen by the general public, not just the target audience.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Analysis of Poster

I chose this poster because it is a film that has the same genre as ours, it also inspired some our narrative and our actula film idea.

Monday 15 November 2010

Reflection and evaluation of presentation

I will evaluate my personal contribution to the presentation.

What went well
  • The flow of the presentation was very good
  • We covered each elememt of film
  • We all spoke and did not interrupt each other
  • We did not stick to our notes
What did not go well
  • We did not have all our members
  • We had to restart our presnetation multiple times due to mistakes
  • The section of the Animatibc we showed had swearing words in it.
  • I obstructed the screen slighty, making it harder for the audiene to see the presentaion
What I would improve
  • The section of the animatic we show
  • Answering qusetions presented by the audience
  • Not using notes
  • Not lookling at notes

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Pre-Production Planning

For the pre production planning,  . But i did want to contribute to the process, so i did help record the sound for the animatic and partly wrote the overview of what our film, including casting, locations and the choices the we made.

I decided to  take the role of the Farther character for our animatic.  I used the Easi-Speak Microphone firstly to record the voice, but it was difficult to record different characters on my own, so I thought that it would be better to record the voice directly into the Mac. This would also allow me to concentrate on doing a voice for one character, and making other people do the other voices at the same time, this allows the animatic to sound more realistic.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Audience research

I carried out a survey prior to deciding the genre of the short film. I used survey monkey to create the survey, but I could not print the survey, so I had to have the survey online.
Here is the link: Click here to take survey. Here are the Results:

Monday 11 October 2010

Conventions of Drama

I  want to summarise the conventions of Drama as a genre. I made a Powerpoint presentation on this


Review of Short Film

The short film I will review is :

The film was presented in a very beatuful way, the animation looks porsfoessional, although it is created using a pice of freeware.However I thoughty that the film was very abstract in terms of story. The story is very simple, so the length of th film is reasonable, but the way that the story is told is done without words, I think that this is a very invlolving element, because it means that the audience pay close attention to the images, also it allows for a greater appreciation of the film.

What is a short film?

I have made a Prezi to answer this :